

Advancement is one of the methods Scouting programs use to educate boys, girls, young men and women to expand their horizons. It is the process by which youth members of Scouting America progress from rank to rank in the Scouting program. Advancement is simply a means to an end, not an end in itself. Everything done to advance and earn these ranks, from joining until leaving the program, should be designed to help the young person have an exciting and meaningful experience. Please use the following resources to support advancement in your Scouting Program.


Scoutbook is an advancement tracking tool. It also has messaging, forums, service, hiking, camping tracking and calendaring features. There are also resources for Leaders, such as meeting plans and resources.

Units do not have to subscribe to Scoutbook; it is a free service provided to every unit. It is an optional service provided by Scouting America.