Awards and Recognition

Awards and Recognition

Awards and recognition items are an important and necessary aim in Scouting. Check out the websites below to find out how the youth in your Unit can be working towards achieving various types of awards and recognition items above and beyond rank advancement.

Similarly, prepared leaders are often eligible for awards. Check out these resources for adult leader awards.

Youth Awards

Religious Emblems Program

To encourage members to grow stronger in their faith, religious groups have developed the following religious emblems programs. Scouting America has approved of these programs and allows the emblems to be worn on the official uniform.

The various religious groups administer the programs. Check with the Council Service Center or contact the religious organization directly to obtain the curriculum booklets.

Religious Recognition – Scouting’s religious awards program gives young people a chance to explore their faith.


Adult Awards (also at Awards Central above)

Leadership & Training Awards

Scouting leaders who go through training have already shown dedication to the youth in their care. Their further dedication to the youth and the program of Scouting deserves recognition, and leaders are encouraged to apply for the awards available to them. These awards are intended to honor demonstrated performance and tenure of trained leaders in all areas of the Scouting program.